Segment 2

In order to be eligible for Segment 2, the student must have had their Level 1 Learner's License for a minimum of 3 consecutive months and completed a minimum of 30 hours of driving (which 2 of those hours must have been at night). 

These hours can be easily logged on an app called RoadReady, please look for in your Google Play/Apple Store.   A paper notebook is also acceptable.  

On the first day of class, a Level 1 Learner's License and Driving Log MUST be brought in and verified by classroom instructor.  

Segment 2 is $40 if you did not take Segment 1 with us OR if you did not pay for Segment 2 when you took Segment 1. We will verify on the first day of class.

We will have a Segment 2 class every month. Please keep checking our website for new classes added.  

Program 7B-2024 July 29th through July 31st (9-11am) Student Driver License must be dated on or before April 29, 2024
This class is currently full.  Please email if you would like to be added to the cancellation list.  

Program 8B-2024 August 26th through August 28th (6-8pm) Student Driver License must be dated on or before May 26, 2024

Program 9B-2024 September 23rd through September 25th (6-8pm) Student Driver License must be dated on or before June 23, 2024

Program 10B-2024 October 21st through October 23rd (6-8pm) Student Driver License must be dated on or before July 21, 2024

Program 11B-2024 November 18th through November 20th (6-8pm) Student Driver License must be dated on or before August 18, 2024

Program 12B-2024 December 16th through December 18th (6-8pm) Student Driver License must be dated on or before September 16, 2024

We will be adding more classes. Please keep checking our website while we build our schedule. We ALWAYS have a monthly Segment 2 class.  We are short staffed in the office at the moment due to our number of Segment 1 students driving.  
We will have a schedule posted ASAP.  
Please email us if you have any questions!